Part 44: Righteousness

: Not sure how many of you might be surprised by this, but despite us beating Udmildhe in the previous round, her Power Ranking is still high enough to challenge us for her freedom. So, despite having come at us with all twelve Titan Stars and failing miserably, shes already raring for a second go.

: Hey, I wont say no. She can play me as often as she wants.

: The Gate Guardian and I
we have paid witness to the Liberation Rites upon the Fall of Soliam for a long time. We have seen so much. And so
I am a bit taken aback, is all, to see something which I have never seen.

: You look upon the stars, together, for a while. Then

I wish for you good fortune, and the wisdom of the Scribes, on your ascent.

: The Lone Minstrel leaves you there alone under the night. It has grown very late, and you need rest. The blackwagon shall have to take flight again come morning.

: Not much going on here. So, this is a good time to look into that last chapter of the Book that I was talking about in the previous update.

: The Afterword is formatted improperly when you choose to inspect the page. Every single page in the Book before now has had an accompanying illustration, but because the Afterword uses both pages, choosing to Inspect will only list the left page.

: If were gonna whoop Udmildhe all the way from Jomuer Valley and back, theres no sense in waiting around for it. We got a snake to wrangle.

: As is typical for Liberation Rites, our journey northward, towards Mount Alodiel, is completely barren and eventless. There is nothing in Flagging Hands or the Wyrm Gulf (save for an imp I pointedly did not run over); nor anything in the Sea of Solis, Deathless Tempest, Black Basin, or Sclorian Shore.

: It gets kind of eerie and lonesome, if Im honest. It doesnt feel so long ago that we couldnt travel ten feet without colliding into someone or watching two triumvirates in a Rite beneath us. And now, even excluding the Liberation Rites, theyre getting scarcer and scarcer.

: That said, theres a new point of interest on Mount Alodiel.

: Something appears different now about the sacred mountain west of here. The lands near Emperors Ascent and Emperors Fall appear ashen. On the other hand, the once-precarious regions below, which you know as Temple Highroad and Temple Cistern, seem swept clean by the elements.

: Volfred observes all this alongside you.

: In this case, however, it appears to have afforded us a bit of a shortcut. We should be able to make landing closer to Scribesgate, now.

: Just as well. I think all of us are feeling rather more on edge these days. A swifter journey to the summit means that we can all conserve our strength for the coming trial.

: They dont look any different to me, but, we can no longer access them. Before now, we stopped at either of these locations to give one of our companions a buff for the coming Rite, and now, because there are so few of us remaining, theyve been excluded from our potential landing spots.

: On the one hand, less work for me. But on the other, I kind of like it when my numbers go up.

: In any case, lets see what our options are.

: Well, this is pretty easy. Even if I werent allowed to count Maes banishment sickness, Pamitha was still chosen before Mae in our match against Barker not too long ago. So, since were still biased in her favour, were heading on to the Cistern for what feels like the dozenth time.

: Interesting that my opponent would always choose the other route. I wonder if well meet at Scribesgate.

: Also, were visiting Molten Milithes, the bog crone Scribes, statue. I suppose its better that we seek her favour than Udmildhe.

: I wonder what Milithes opinion of Udmildhe would be. On the one hand, Id imagine shed be cool with Udmildhes intensity and her particular obsession with the eldritch, as she herself said in the Book. But, on the other, it was Milithe that had banished Yslach. Now that I think about it, Udmildhe probably would have actively avoided Milithes favour, in that case.

: Lets see if Milithe and Pamitha can get along.

: <Why bother, Pamitha? With any part of this? Theyre using you, same as youre using them, you know. But, youre not using them. Youre not using them. Youre not using them
! Youre there because you want to be. Youre there because you want to be

: You return to the wagon once she is finished paying her respects. You have occasion once more to pursue your Vocations.

: You know what, Pamitha
youre alright. We had a rocky start, and a few bumps in the road, but youre one of my strongest players and youve ultimately done me no wrong. Youre a good person.

: Also, thats not a small buff, yowzers. Milithe
really likes Pam.

: As usual, I dont really like tutoring on Mount Alodiel because it influences who is eligible for liberation and also because everyone is so full up on Enlightenment anyway that itd kind of be a waste, when we could do some foraging or Book reading.

: There arent going to be a lot of opportunities for our Vocations left, and were okay on money right now, especially since we can pawn off our next Sandra-provided Talisman after this next Rite (provided we win, of course).

: Meanwhile, theres only one more page of the Book to read, so

: You remain intent on further study of the Book of Rites, and find a place where you can concentrate upon it. Through greater understanding comes the Readers Influence.

: I mean, Id take more Hope or Quickness if I could, but.

: The Book seems to push back against you. Your sense of its hidden meaning crumbles under layers of contradiction, of missing details, and yet
you feel a thorough knowledge of it, now.

: It is more artefact than Book
its power almost solely rests with the Reader, who makes time to form a certain meaning from the many passages unwritten.

Yet, the glimpse of knowledge you approached just then called back at you to stop, and go no further
not to press too forcefully against the outer limits of your understanding. Nevertheless, for what you recognize shall have to be the final time, inspiration comes to you in a flash; whether from the Book or from within, even now, you cannot tell.

: You look up to see The Lone Minstrel there. You had not noticed him.

: The moment passes, and he turns to go about his business. He leaves you there. You realize you are clutching the Book of Rites to your chest
. You manage to pull away.

: Udmildhes team isnt going to get dunked back to the stone age if we just stand here. We have a Rite to attend.

: The exiles of the Nightwings. You must know by now that, once the stars no longer shine, the Rites shall cease. For now, step forth.

Except for you, Tariq. You stay right there.


: Greetings, Celeste. The Nightwings are prepared. And as for me

: You shall not blaspheme under the Gate again. Do we understand each other, Tariq?

: Aye, Celeste
I apologize for my behavior before. I shall adhere more strictly to my duties.

: Be sure of it
. Now, each of you, come forth. Please state your names and what is it that you seek whilst crossing Scribesgate.

: The Eight Scribes bid the Nightwings welcome. Go forth with glory.

: Am I free to accompany them, Celeste
? Or, shall I remain here?

: She looks at him a while.

You are free to accompany them, Tariq.

: As you will, Celeste
. Until we meet upon the summit, then.

: I wonder if Tariq will get the storybook ending hes clearly after.

: There are no new pages in the Book
the only thing left for us here is to say hello to Ron. Maybe buy another hit of Stardust or something.

: Oh, its you guys, well, um, come on in, I guess, you got here right on time, because I was just thinking, maybe I would close a little early here, you know? Business has been real, real good, and everything, its just, its been a little slow, in spots, a little slow is all, so I was thinking, maybe I should do a sale? What would you say to that?

: Its getting to the point where none of his Talismans could possibly interest me
but, Im going to run out of reasons to hold onto my Sol in a hurry. Ron, if you hold that sale, Ill buy every last serum I can afford.

: You suggest to Falcon Ron that a sale might be a good idea to liven things up a bit.

: Huhhhh well I guess maybe thats a way to look at things, and so, then, I am gonna think about it, stew on it awhile, but no promises, OK? So, uh, you buying something here, or what?

: His newest stock includes a big ol blunt of Stardust, and a new Talisman
it looks kind of like a busted Celestial Orb.

: Oh, so, similar to that other Talisman that gave Volfreds perk, the one that slowed everyone if my whole team wiped, but its that one perk I wanted to give to Jodariel.

: You know, if Jodariel were still here now, I probably would have used the Scribe Snuff on her and reorder her perks. My wanting her to be a tank that shoots people to death was pretty short-sighted, because her other third-level perk made it so that anybody she banished would remain banished for 30% longer.

: In the early game, that first perk is the more attractive one, but in the late game, my opponents remaining banished longer is
absolutely the more valuable skill.

: Point is, I dont want this Shooting Star.

: Ill take that blunt, though.

: Thats all for now. Gotta save up for that sale!

: Well, were here, and the Rites literally cannot proceed without us, so
might as well kick back and read the Book for a little bit.

: Lets tread on a snake.

: Once more, the time has come for the Liberation Rite, where one among you can go free if you prevail. Freedom is likewise at stake for your adversaries, the Withdrawn. As your companions gather under the Fall, awaiting the commencement of this vital Rite, The Lone Minstrel finds you, and regards you in his calm fashion.

Night is falling. These moments, prior to each commencement
I must admit, they give me pause. Knowing so much is at stake during the trial that is to come.

: Tell me some, would you, Reader
? To ease the waiting for us both. I have traveled far and wide
even beyond these lands. However
the Commonwealth, I know only through word, and song. I sometimes think on what life would be like, out there.

: If you were not ensnared within this place, and free to roam your country
what would you have done with all your days and years, rather than striving here, under the stars?

: Lets see
if I remember correctly, the backstory Ive established so far is that Im a war orphan that just wants to see his friends succeed in life. With that in mind, out of these available options
I guess Id still fight for freedom. I mean, war killed my parents; I put my friends before myself; and I know how to read. My literacy should be put to good, productive use, and it wouldnt be any good sailing the seas or farming.

: Perhaps it was inevitable that you were to be cast into exile. You cannot abide the state of things within the Commonwealth. There is so much needing to be changed there.

: Also, its just a lot of fun peeing in Brightons cereal.

It seems, then, that you would face a greater challenge there than even here. Your Commonwealth
it sounds to be a country rather set upon its ways. Of course
that is the nature and ambition of the
Plan of which you are a part. May your actions here help bring about the future you desired on the other side.

: Just then, The Lone Minstrel looks forth, and you see that it is time. The stars above, though faint, begin to burn.

: Well, I had spanked Udmildhe around pretty well just last Rite with all twelve Titan Stars. It wouldnt be right, I think, to give her any less of a chance here, in the most important Rite in the cycle.

: Bring it on, witch.

: The Pyres burn, and each of the triumvirates is present and prepared.

: I concur. The Pyres burn, and each of the triumvirates is present and prepared.

: Then, anointed one of the Withdrawn! Come forth, now, and declare yourself, and pay any respects you have unto your adversaries, the Nightwings.
: Dread Design Music

: Hrrrssss
we are known to be Witch Udmildhe. Our adversariesss
they are nothing to us, or the one we serve
. Ye all shall be devoured in the coming age, an age of sssstrife, wrought down by the fell wings and many-seeing eyes of Yslach, the Astral-Born!!

: You speak blasphemy upon this sacred site, Udmildhe. If you value your liberty, then I suggest you cease your mocking of the Scribes.

: The Scribes
they failed to sssstop Yslach, and He ssshall rise again
. As for ye Nightwings
ye are of no consequence in Yslachs grand design.

: She dons her mask once more.

: Sssssoon, we shall return unto the land which Yslach shall usurp, where we shall offer Him our blood, and that of many, many otherssss.

: She still has Frozen Soul, and of course she has an imp now.

: Nightwings! On whose behalf shall you conduct this Liberation Rite? Choose, quickly.

: May you heed your heart in making your choice, Reader.

: I trust you are prepared to play the hymns with me, Tariq?

: Always, Celeste.

: Its time for us to shrink our triumvirate down by one more of us. One among us five is worthy of anointment, for liberation. To leave the Downside forever and return to the Commonwealth.
Who do we choose?
Mae has a spiritual connection with the Scribes and the world around her that nobody, least of all herself, can properly describe. She meets all challenges and peoples with a warm smile, a hearty dance, and some laughter, and shes attuned to her companions so deeply that she shares in their misery as much as their happiness. Shes even taken to calling the blackwagon itself her little brother. Her crime is vagrancy she was simply seen as too different to be accepted in the social graces of the Commonwealth, and when she wouldnt adhere to their demands that she change herself, she was cast to the Downside, where they would no longer have to suffer her uniqueness.
Do we anoint
Tizo is a simple imp that was born and raised in the Downside. He has been with the Nightwings since Volfreds time, and is therefore more attuned to their practices and properties than anyone else in the triumvirate. Imps of Tizos intelligence and wit are very rare, and its been implied that Tizo is directly descended from Haub the Swallow, the first Scribe and author of the Book of Rites, himself. He has committed no crime: as a native born in the Downside, he has no home in the Commonwealth and his only aspiration for freedom is to one day see the world beyond the Downside.
Do we anoint
Pamitha is a harp, born in the mountains that look down on the Commonwealth among the Highwing Remnants. From birth, she and her sister were taught to hate the Commonwealth and all its citizens, and from then, they were raised and bred to be soldiers in their never-ending war and yet, Pamitha, despite her teachings, was never one for the conflict and wanted only for her herself and her sister to remain out of it. Her crime is conspiracy: Pamithas sister was an accomplished general, yet she was planning an attack on the Commonwealth that would surely end in failure. Fearing for her safety, she reported her sister and her plan to the Commonwealth, who promptly captured and banished her. When Pamitha attempted to contact her sister, she was caught and banished alongside her.
Do we anoint
One of these three candidates
must be the frontman for our triumvirate, although any of the rest of the Nightwings may also participate to help see their anointed companion gain their freedom.
Should we succeed against Udmildhe and the Withdrawn, our anointed frontman will be
permanently removed from the game.
Twenty-four hours. Choose wisely.